Q & A
Is This A Short-Term Missions Trip?
The Next Step is not short-term mission trip. Any mission agency or mission field that becomes dependent upon short-term missionaries becomes less effective in having an enduring impact on the field. While there are many benefits to hosting short-term trips, this program is designed and reserved for those who have sensed God’s called into full-time foreign mission work.
What Happens to the Support if the Candidate Decides Not to Go?
All of the funds that the candidate raises through his local church is sent to the Sahara Initiative Fund. If the Candidate does not make it to the field or leaves before the full year is over, the finances will remain in the Sahara Initiative fund and used for other candidates that are training in the program.
Who Can Apply?
The Next Step: North Africa Missionary Internship Program is targeted to the candidates (singles or couples) who have finished their secondary education and are seriously considering serving in North Africa.