Our Mission


To fulfill Christ’s command to go to all nations, we recruit deliberately, deploy strategically, train intensely, and support intentionally. 

To recruit deliberately: The program is primarily designed to recruit missionary candidates to join our church planting efforts in Senegal, The Gambia and throughout North Africa.

To deploy strategically: In order to fully obey Christ’s command, we must go where the gospel is not easily accessible to the lost. On average, mission agencies report that only 24% of their personnel are reaching the unreached parts of the world (under 1% Evangelical Christian population). We believe that this internship will help to raise awareness of the need for gospel-preaching churches in West and Northern Africa.  

To train intensely: When Paul recruited Timothy for mission service, he immediately joined him on the field. Two key factors made Timothy effective as a missionary: A strong testimony with his local sending church and immediate on-field training.  The country of Jordan has a small but effective military. The king of Jordan recently gave an interview to 60 minutes in which he attributed part of their success to the fact that they use live ammunition in every training situation! Intensive, practical training is key to long-term effectiveness. 

To support intentionally: We believe that a missionary who has completed this program will be able to raise his support and return to the field more quickly.

Our Goals

We have two goals with this program:

  • To increase awareness of the need in Senegal and The Gambia and in North Africa; and to cast a vision for reaching this part of the world. As awareness is increased and God-called men see the need and catch the vision of reaching Senegal and the surrounding areas, we believe many laborers will surrender to serve in this region of the world. To put it simply, we believe it will help us build an effective church-planting team.
  • To offer an intensive, real life training opportunity that will better prepare the missionary for long term effectiveness on a difficult mission field.