Search the Scriptures

The book we call the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation is the inspired, inerrant, and infallible word of God. God breathed His word, through the Holy Spirit, into the heart and spirit of holy men of God, who in turn, wrote down the words God spoke through them. God’s purpose in giving us a written testimony was to reveal to us His plan of salvation, in order that hearing the word of God we might believe and be saved.

Discipline: A Love/Hate Dilemma

There is no doubt that the world today has become hostile to biblical principles of the discipline. If we are going to raise children that honor God, we must expose them to the true consequence of sin. They must come to realize their personal culpability for sin. A parent who loves his child will bring them up in the nurture and admonish of the Lord. This requires a deliberate investment in our own spiritual development.

Developing and maintaining a family that honors God.

Make sure that your children are learning the disciplines of godly living. If their only intake of spiritual things is in Sunday School or VBS, then we are failing to show the relevancy of our faith to everyday life. Don’t raise your children to believe that Christianity will get you a piece of candy on Sunday but has no real impact on their lives during the weekdays.